Wednesday 30 January 2013

BlackBerry 10 Home Screen Unveiled

RIM's Head of Software Portfolio, said the BB10 interface is built around fluid gestures and swipes, rather than lots of individual taps to get into and out of different apps and functions. It is also being specifically designed to allow BlackBerry owners to get to the stuff they want by using just one hand or a single thumb, he said.

First up, the BB10 homescreen -- it's out with app icons, and in with four large panes which are full, active apps meaning they will change as their content changes. To fully dive into one of these homescreen apps you just tap on the relevant pane.

From this homescreen, swiping to the right takes you to a traditional icon-centric view app view, while swiping to the left brings up a unified inbox view which collates all your communications -- from emails and IM to calls, tweets, Facebook updates etc -- into one uber feed.

Bhardwaj said key gestures, such as swiping to the left to get to this one-stop-shop inbox, aren't restricted to the homescreen but can be deployed wherever you are in the OS.

The most distinctive gesture in BB10 is what Bhardwaj described as "a looking type gesture" or "glancing across" to other content off screen.

This gesture is triggered by holding your thumb down at the bottom right hand corner of the screen which shrinks the view, bringing up a margin at the right hand side where notifications are displayed. Swiping or dragging your thumb further to left brings even more content on screen -- such as your inbox, an attachment or an open app.

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