OM: Lets have both your impressions of the Elegant Ms Ellen Thomas, whom our Community will be Honoring & Celebrating for her Achievements & as a Role Model at 'An Audience With A Celebrity!' Event on Friday 9th Sept?
Ms Ellen Thomas, Veteran Actress/Entertainment Icon |
PD - Wow! Where does one start? Ms Ellen Thomas is indeed a true veteran in her profession as a seasones Actress, who has indeed seen it all and done it all as it were, so experience is one of the great asset she brings with her. Also she has the ability to inspire us all non-stop! I really respect her as a dea friend and as a colleague in the Entertainment/Television Industry! In addition to all these accolades she is very very humble and a real trooper, who stands tall as a Positive Role Model to both her Peers and the younger Generation!
SO - I am so excited, overwhelmed and nervous that I will be in the illustrious presence of one of the UK’s top leading actresses and celebrities Ms Ellen Thomas. She has clearly shown that through hard work and determination that a black actress can make it within mainstream acting. She is an easily recognisable face from her role in Teachers, Casualty and of course the UK’s biggest soap East Enders. I am continuously counting down the days till September 9th when I will have the opportunity to not only meet and greet acting royalty but I along with another leading celebrity Princess Deun would have the opportunity to ask questions of Ms Thomas that nobody has ever had the opportunity to ask before, I just can’t wait. Princess Deun is a leading light within the entertainment industry and is a role model that every budding actor looks up to for guidance and as an inspiration.
Princess Deun Adedoyin-Solarin, Host: Princess of Arize! - Co-Compere |
OM: How are you preparing for your role as Co-Compere at the upcoming 'An Audience With A Celebrity!' Event?
PD - Quite frankly, the preparation for such an eent as An Audience With A Celebrity! is an on-going thing. I am trying my very best to cross all the T's and dot all the I's, hopefully leaving no stone un-turned! Also with someone as versatile as my Co-Compere Sola Oyebade 'Mr Mahogany' himself, I think I have absolutely nothing to worry about!
OM: What are your feelings about joining forces with a woman as Co-Compère?
SO - I suppose I am lucky in that due to the nature of my work I work with women every day of my life. However I be honest and say there are women and their are women and working with the woman I call HRH (her royal highness), Princess Deun is a dream come true. Princess Deun is a celebrity within her own rights, a woman with numerous years of experience of the entertainment industry, a woman that is a mentor for many of us and someone that you can also go to for guidance. I am looking to this experience as a learning experience where I will be learning from the master and I intend to pick up tips so that I can use them in the future. It is an honour and a privilege to work with an award winning, veteran broadcaster and TV personality.
OM: Do you find working alongside a man intimidating or are you very much up to the task?
PD - OMG! I have been in the Media Profession for over 35yrs and way back when I started in 1975, there were very few women in the industry, so I ended up working with a lot of Men, I didnt feel intimidated then as a young person, so that is not going to happen now! After all I di mention above that my Co-Compere Sola is very versatile, but apart from that in his line of work he works with women all the time. And if I may say so he is every inch a complete gentleman, who I always say is brave enough to work with women & Man enough to wear Pink!
OM:Can you give us some of the interesting line ups for the night?
SO - Whenever ZEDAKAH Entertainment & FEMTEJ Kreations put on an event you can be sure that it will be an evening of great entertainment and the best of the best performing. Music will be supplied by one of London's leading DJ’s, DJ Dennis & the 'MIS-TRI' Band. Of course we need to make sure there is laughter at the event and comedienne Obonjo will be making sure we are in stitches. This is a participative show so we will be having things that ensure our guests are actively involved in the event from raffle draws to win business flight tickets to Africa, a great day out with Ms Ellen whilst she is filming on location. It’s a great chance to get dressed up and walk the red carpet, take pictures with the numerous VIP’s and celebrities that will be in attendance as well as eat and drink and of course you won’t leave empty handed as you would go home with a lovely goody, but that would not be before you have shake a leg at one of the hottest after parties in town.
Mr Sola Oyebade, Mahogany International - Co-Compere |
OM: From the viewpoint of a TV & Media Celebrity, why is this recognition of celebrities in our community so relevant, and any reason there was none like this before?
PD - There is a quote from an address I made in 2008 at the World Economic Summit(WES) and I quote "As is universally acknowledged, no one can tell the story of a place or a people as well and as accurately as the main characters or actors. Therefore it is our main quest to forge a better and clearer understanding of the many issues that affect people of African and Caribbean descent, within UK's Multi-Cultural Community. There are stories that need to be told, Wrongs to be righted, Questions to be Answered, Matters to be explained, Claims to be made, People and Achievements to be acknowledged, Events to be celebrated, Bridges to be built and of course a Journey to be embarked on in recognition & honour of who we are as a people and what we have achieved and contributed to the wider Society. As no one else will do this for us, the organisers of 'An Audience With A Celebrity!' have taken it upon ourselves to correct this anomaly, by creating this plaform to Celebrate our own Icons, Heroes, Role Models & Celebrities.
OM: As a Fashion & Style Icon yourself, what do you expect folk to be wearing to this much talked about event?
SO- I am expecting that everyone would be dressed to kill, elegant and glamorous, trendy and stylist. It is going to be one of those nights that if you had a best dressed competition you would not be able to find a winner as nearly everyone that attends would be a potential winner. It is so bad that I don't even know what to wear so that I don't look out of place or underdressed – if anyone can help please do
OM: Both of you are Celebrities in your own rights, who are very familiar with hosting high profile events, so what would your parting shots be to our vast readers & your teeming fans out there on who a Role Model is?
SO - Mr Mahogany’s perspective of whom a role model is very simple Ms Ellen Thomas – if you have the following qualities that she has then you can be a role model to anyone that aspires to be like you. A role model must be patient and giving, kind and thoughtful, doing something that others feel is worthwhile, lead by example, avoid negativity or bad press, be inspirational and have a great story to tell of achievement overcoming adversity
PD - All one needs to do is to ponder on the true meaning of both words - 'ROLE & MODEL'. When we look around us, there are very few Role Models left and this is not a good thing at all! I believe that the Thinkers, Creative Minds & Philosophers amongst us are the ones that influence society for change; therefore a Role Model is a positive Change Agent. We need not look too far, as I agree 100% with Sola 'Mr Mahogany' that Ms Ellen Thomas ticks all the right boxes needed to be called a Role Model of our times. Though 'An Audience With A Celebrity!' promises to be a fun-filled, exciting & glamorous night, there is also a serious side to the event, I therefore implore everyone attending, especially the younger Generation to sieze the opportunity of hearing Ms Ellen Thomas share the 'SECRETS of Her SUCCESS' on 9th of Sept!
Source: Femtej Kreations Media Blog